
Морфосинтаксичні ознаки ред.


Вимова ред.

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    Значення ред.


    1. як. ◆ He was never seen as the boss, rather than as a friend.
    2. так. ◆ The parties appeared as if they were agreeing on a range of issues.
    3. такий. ◆ You’re not as tall as I am.
    4. щодо. ◆ As to her case, we will decide it tomorrow.
    5. настільки. ◆ It's not as well-made, but it's twice as expensive.
    6. згідно з. ◆ The kidnappers released him as agreed.
    7. як наприклад. ◆ There are several birds I love, such as red robin.


    1. як. ◆ As you wish, my lord!
    2. оскільки. ◆ As it’s too late, I quit.
    3. коли. ◆ He sleeps as the rain falls.
    4. як тільки. ◆ As I came in, she flew.
    5. поки. ◆ As my fear grew, so did my legs become heavy.
    6. тому що. ◆ She didn't go with us, as she could not come today.
    7. мов. ◆ He was giddy as a schoolboy.
    8. у ролі. ◆ The movie features Al Gore as a streetwise pimp.
    9. наче. ◆ They're big as houses.
    10. тоді. ◆ немає прикладів застосування.
    11. хоч. ◆ немає прикладів застосування.
    12. як би не. ◆ Tired as she was did not leave her task undone.
    13. у той час, як. ◆ As he was coming in, I punched him in the face.


    1. що. ◆ He was a foreigner, as they perceived from his accent.
    2. який. ◆ He is the same man as I met yesterday.
    3. такий. ◆ You are not as tall as me.

    Синоніми ред.

    1. when
    2. while
    3. because
    4. since

    Антоніми ред.

    Гіпероніми ред.

    Гіпоніми ред.

    Усталені словосполучення, фразеологізми ред.

    Споріднені слова ред.

    • зменшено-пестливі форми:
    • іменники:
    • прикметники:
    • дієслова:
    • прислівники:

    Етимологія ред.

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    Джерела ред.