
Морфосинтаксичні ознаки ред.


Вимова ред.

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  • Семантичні властивості ред.

    Значення ред.

    1. здебільшого. ◆ She was to be their chosen visitor, she was to be for weeks under the same roof with the person whose society she mostly prized! 1817, Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
    2. переважно. ◆ They're mostly good people, although they have made a few mistakes.
    3. головним чином. ◆ Local government authorities used declining coal demand during the economic crisis to buy up or bankrupt smaller, mostly private mines (state-owned mines are often much larger).
    4. звичайно. ◆ немає прикладів застосування.

    Синоніми ред.

    1. generally, mainly, above all, almost entirely, as a rule, chiefly, customarily, essentially, for the most part, frequently, in many instances, largely, many times, most often, often, on the whole, overall, particularly, predominantly, primarily, principally, regularly, usually, generally.
    2. more often than not, by and large, most of the time.

    Антоніми ред.

    Гіпероніми ред.

    Гіпоніми ред.

    Усталені словосполучення, фразеологізми ред.

    Споріднені слова ред.

    • зменшено-пестливі форми:
    • іменники:
    • прикметники:
    • дієслова:
    • прислівники:

    Етимологія ред.

    Від ??

    Джерела ред.